
American Dominance

"When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. 
When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist."
Dom Helder Câmara

"I spent 33 years in the Marines. Most of my time being a high-classed muscle man for Big business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenue in. I helped in the rape of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street...." 
Smedley D. Butler (1881-1940) Major General (U.S. Marine Corps)

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"In bourgeois society capital is independent and has individuality, while the living person is dependent and has no individuality." 
Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95),  The Communist Manifesto, sct. 2 (1848).

"With adequate profit, capital is very bold. A certain 10 per cent will ensure its employment anywhere; 20 per cent certain will produce eagerness; 50 per cent positive audacity; 100 per cent will make it ready to trample all human laws; 300 per cent, and there is not a crime at which it will scruple nor risk it will not run, even to the chance of its owner being hanged."
T.J. Dunning

"The collapse of the global marketplace would be traumatic event with unimaginable consequences. Yet I find it easier to imagine than the continuation of the present regime."
George Soros, Finical speculator and profiteer

"At particular times, a great deal of stupid people have a great deal of stupid money...the money of these people - the blind capital - is particularly large and craving. It seeks someone to devour it and there is a plethora; it finds someone and there is speculation; it is devoured and there's panic." 
Walter Bagehot.

"The production of too many useful things results in too many useless people." 
Karl Marx

"Do not forget that this great free market capitalism we enjoy was founded upon stealing every inch of this country from the Indians and building a good share of it on slave labour." 
Conservatively Incorrect, Taxation Resource

"We can have democracy in this country or we can have great wealth concentrated in the hands of a few, but we can't have both." 
Louis Brandeis

"It is erroneous thinking to say that a tax beak for someone working from paycheque to paycheque is more important than it is to wealthy individuals." 
William F. Buckley (this just goes to show the thought process of the average capitalists)

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Communist Society

"In a higher phase of communist society . . . only then can the narrow horizon of bourgeois right be fully left behind and society inscribe on its banners: from each according to his ability, to each according to his needs." 
Karl Marx (1818–83), German political theorist, social philosopher. Critique of the Gotha Programme (1875; repr. in Selected Works, vol. 2, 1942).

"In communist society, where nobody has one exclusive sphere of activity but each can become accomplished in any branch he wishes, society regulates the general production and thus makes it possible for me to do one thing today and another tomorrow, to hunt in the morning, fish in the afternoon, rear cattle in the evening, criticize after dinner, just as I have a mind, without ever becoming hunter, fisherman, shepherd or critic." 
Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95),  The German Ideology, sct. 1 (first published 1845-46; repr. in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Collected Works, vol. 5, 1976). T

"Man will become immeasurably stronger, wiser, and subtler; his body will become more harmonious, his movements more rhythmic, his voice more musical. The forms of life will become dynamically dramatic. The average human type will rise to the heights of an Aristotle, a Goethe, or a Marx. And above these heights, new peaks will rise." 
Leon Trotsky (1879–1940), Russian revolutionary. Literature and Revolution (1923; repr. in The Age of Permanent Revolution: A Trotsky Anthology, ch. 17, 1964). Trotsky was referring to a Communist society. 

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Ends and Means

"The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end."
Leon Trotsky (1879-1940),  Quoted in: Alberto Pozzolini, Antonio Gramsci: an Introduction to his Thought, Preface (1970).

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"Men make their own history, but they do not make it just as they please; they do not make it under circumstances chosen by themselves, but under circumstances directly found, given and transmitted from the past. The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living." 
Karl Marx (1818-83),  The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte, sct. 1 (1852; repr. in Selected Works, vol. 2, 1942).

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For Socialism
"So many people are gonna read this because Krist Novoselic wrote it but let me tell you this, I am a man of the proletariat! This is quite a boast coming from my tax bracket. Remember, socialism is an ethic not an ideology! I write this under the gaze of an actual portrait, not a print, of Lenin..."
Krist Novoselic (Nirvana Band Member)

"I believe there will ultimately be a clash between the oppressed and those doing the oppressing. I believe that there will be a clash between those who want freedom, justice and equality for everyone and those who want to continue the system of exploitation. I believe that there will be that kind of clash, but I dont think it will be based on the colour of the skin."
Malcolm X

"Hear me people: We now have to deal with another race---small and feeble when our fathers first met them, but now great and overbearing. Strangely enough they have a mind to till the soil and the love of possessions is a disease with them. These people have made many rules which the rich may break but the poor may not. They take their tithes from the poor and weak to support the rich and those who rule."
Chief Sitting Bull, speaking at the Powder River Conference, 1877

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"When asked whether or not we are Marxists, our position is the same as that of a physicist or a biologist who is asked if he is a "Newtonian," or if he is a "Pasteurian." "
Che Guevara (Ernesto) (1928-67),  Quoted in: Radical Currents in Contemporary Philosophy (ed. by David DeGrood, 1971).

"The Marxist analysis has got nothing to do with what happened in Stalin's Russia: it's like blaming Jesus Christ for the Inquisition in Spain." 
Tony Benn (b. 1925), British Labour politician. Quoted in: Observer (London, 27 April 1980).

"What I did that was new was to prove: (1) that the existence of classes is only bound up with particular, historic phases in the development of production; (2) that the class struggle necessarily leads to the dictatorship of the proletariat; (3) that this dictatorship itself only constitutes the transition to the abolition of all classes and to a classless society."
Karl Marx (1818-83),  Letter, 5 March 1852 (published in Selected Works, vol. 1, 1942).

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"The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it."
Karl Marx (1818-83),  Theses on Feuerbach, no. 11 (written 1845; published 1888; repr. in Selected Works, vol. 1, 1942). The observation also appeared in Marx, The German Ideology (1846), and was inscribed as the epitaph on his tomb in Highgate Cemetery, London.

"Philosophy stands in the same relation to the study of the actual world as masturbation to sexual love." 
Karl Marx (1818-83) and Friedrich Engels (1820-95),  The German Ideology, sct. 2 (1845-46).

"Experience has taught me that the shallowest of communist platitudes contains more of a hierarchy of meaning than contemporary bourgeois profundity." 
Walter Benjamin (1892–1940), German critic, philosopher. Letter, 7 March 1931 (published in Briefe, Frankfurt, 1966). Quoted in: One-Way Street and Other Writings, publisher’s note (1978).

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You cannot have capitalism without racism.
Malcolm X

"We fight racism with solidarity. We do not fight exploitative capitalism with Black Nationalism. We fight capitalism with basic socialism. And we do not fight imperialism with more imperialism. We fight imperialism with proletarian internationalism."
Bobby Seale (Black Panther)

"Racism and ethnic differences allow the power structure to exploit the masses of workers in this country, because that's the key by which they maintain their control. To divide the people and conquer them is the objective of the power structure..." 
Bobby Seale (Black Panther)

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"Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people." 
Karl Marx (1818-83),  A Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right, Preface (1844). 

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"In every revolution there intrude, at the side of its true agents, men of a different stamp; some of them survivors of and devotees to past revolutions, without insight into the present movement, but preserving popular influence by their known honesty and courage, or by the sheer force of tradition; others mere brawlers, who, by dint of repeating year after year the same set of stereotyped declamations against the government of the day, have sneaked into the reputation of revolutionists of the first water. . . ". They are an unavoidable evil: with time they are shaken off. 
Karl Marx (1818-83), Address of the General Council of the International Working Men's Association on "The Civil War in France" (1871; published in Selected Works, vol. 2, 1942).

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"The product of mental labor-science-always stands far below its value, because the labor-time necessary to reproduce it has no relation at all to the labor-time required for its original production."
Karl Marx (1818-83), Theories of Surplus Value, vol. 1, Addendum, "Hobbes on Labor, on Value and on the Economic Role of Science" (1862-63).

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"Our party's most outstanding mediocrity." 
In his last book, "Stalin", Trotsky wrote: "Our paths diverged so long ago and so far, and in my eyes he is so much the instrument of historical forces that are alien and hostile to me, that my feelings towards him differ little from those I have towards Hitler or the Mikado. The personal element burned out long ago." Trotsky was assassinated on Stalin's orders before the book could be finished. 
Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), Russian revolutionary. Quoted in: Dmitri Volkogonov, Stalin: Triumph and Tragedy, Foreword (1989; tr. 1991).

"The Stalinist bureaucratic counter-revolution was like a pirate attack on the high seas; the ship of Revolution was boarded and hijacked, and the entire crew put to the sword. Stalin, the self-appointed great helmsman, together with his crew of usurpers struck out on an entirely new course, towards a sea of retreats, betrayals and the abandonment of Marxism, which later led inevitably to shipwreck." Vsievolod Volkov (L. Trotsky's grandson)

"Under all conditions well-organized violence seems to him the shortest distance between two points."
Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), Unfinished biography, Stalin, ch. 3 (1947), of Stalin.

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"In a serious struggle there is no worse cruelty than to be magnanimous at an inopportune time. "
Leon Trotsky (1879-1940), Russian revolutionary. The History of the Russian Revolution, vol. 2, ch. 7 (1933).

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The State

"The proletariat seizes political power and turns the means of production into State property. But in doing this, it abolishes itself as proletariat, abolishes all class distinctions and class antagonisms, abolishes also the State as State. ... 
The first act by virtue of which the State really constitutes itself the representative of the whole of society - the taking possession of the means of production in the name of society - that is, at the same time, its last independent act as a State. State interference in social relations becomes, in one domain after another, superfluous, and then dies out of itself; the government of persons is replaced by the administration of things, and by the conduct of processes of production. 
The State is not "abolished." It dies out."
Frederick Engels, Socialism - Utopian and Scientific (Charles H. Kerr, 1914, p.127).

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"We should not say that one man's hour is worth another man's hour, but rather that one man during an hour is worth just as much as another man during an hour. Time is everything, man is nothing: he is at the most time's carcass." 
Karl Marx (1818-83), The Poverty of Philosophy, ch. 1, pt. 2 (1847; repr. in Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Collected Works, vol. 6, 1976).

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"There are only two sorts of people in life you can trust—good Christians and good Communists."
Joe Slovo (b. 1926), South African leader of the Communist Party. Independent (London, 4 Nov. 1988).

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